
Tuesday 8 October 2013

Fashion Diva in 5 Easy Steps

Who dictates what style is anyways?  Are you one of those ladies who does not want to be defined by “a” look?  I mean, look at all the different styles that are out there!?  There is the “goth” look described as dark, mysterious, and exotic and on the opposite end of the spectrum there is the Classic look described as
timeless and beautiful yet simple.  Then there is everything in between - punk, glam, diva, haut couture, conservative, vintage and the list goes on and on and on.  So I suppose that the best question to ask yourself is "What is my style?"  Whatever it is, there are five key elements to pulling off a style that will leave others wanting to see more.  Here are Pink Ink's top five personal style moves that every woman can achieve no matter what style or styles she may be:

1.        Is your hair coiffed? – run a comb through your mane.  Trust me, it makes a difference.  Treat yourself and get a wash and blowout.  There's nothing like someone rubbing your scalp - heavenly!
2.       Is your makeup on point? - At least wear the basics – foundation, blush, mascara, gloss.  Putting in an effort always puts you one step ahead of your competition (as we discussed last week!)
3.    Do you smell fresh? – B.O. is a huge no no.  Enough said.
4.      Do you look clean? – Ensure your nails are clean. Iron your clothes - nothing cute about wrinkles.  Wash your face - crusty eyes, day old liner and mascara under the eyes etc... - you know how it looks on others - don't let that be you.  Ensure your clothes are clean and not ripped (unless that’s the style). 
5.   Make sure your clothes fit. – too big =frumpy; too small =bursting (need I say more?)
Part of creating your brand is honing down on your image.  Follow the above five tips and no matter what look you are trying to create – it will be memorable – for the right reasons!

We are available to you anywhere in the world.  Skype and talk with us.  Our name on Skype is 'Pinkinkbrand'.  Or if you are in the area, call us for a personal appointment.

Remember it is small business month.  Please check out the highlighted words for links to some small businesses that we consider to be friends of Pink Ink.  Support them and you will be supporting small business in your community AND receive premium service.  Till next week!!  xoxo

Pink Ink Ladies

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